When Life Is Crazy

Life has been crazy at the Kennedy household! We have just relocated and I have begun my first pastorate. Transition is tough but here are a few things I have tried to keep in mind over the past couple of weeks.

1. Make spending time with God a priority.

It is easy to push spending time with God to the back burner. You have a thousand other things to do: boxes to unpack, calls to make, etc. Spending time in personal study of God’s Word and prayer has been a lifeline for me over the past few weeks. I have written in my journal a bunch and have recognized afresh my dependence upon my Savior. I have rested in His presence and it has been refreshing. Life is busy but my time with God each morning is a necessity!

2. Take a break to relax.

We run from meeting to meeting and task to task without ever stopping to “smell the roses.” Our culture emphasizes efficiency and productivity to the point that many of us have lost the ability to truly relax. There is always one more thing we can do in our day but, in reality, that one thing will not make a huge difference if we really think about it. When life gets busy take some time and go for a walk, throw the Frisbee with your 4 year old or immerse yourself in a hobby. Break away from the rut of work, Work, WORK. Relax. Get outside and enjoy life!

3. Exercise.

I wish I could say that I have exercised like I needed to during this transition. I have not but, when I have exercised, it has been wonderful. Exercise allows me an opportunity to de-stress, listen to a quality podcast, and work up a sweat. I return from my workout felling refreshed and energized (why I don’t do it everyday is beyond me!). When life is crazy, strap on your running shoes and go pound the pavement for an hour.

*What do you do when life is crazy?